About Us
- company name written in Japanese language: 株式会社レインボーリンク®
(2) If you and RL can not resolve any difference in claim by talking, you and RL need to use laws. RL assumes this case, RL writes this paragraph. Your relationship with RL under regal documents provided by RL shall be governed by the laws of JAPAN. You and RL agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the pref of Nagano in Japan to resolve any legal matter arising from agreements. The laws of Japan do not have any provision for punitive damages. The laws of Japan were made models of the laws of Germany and the laws of France.
DataCenter = LAN Managed by RainbowLink Inc. ICANN-Registered-NetName: "Rainbow-Link"
IP-addresses of RainbowLink Inc.'LAN: -
IP-addresses: -
( Rainbow-Link.com )
Area of Domain-Name: Rainbow-Link.com. Operated by the software "Rainbow-Link" developed byRainbowLink Inc. .
IP-addresses: -
( Other than Rainbow-Link.com ) Area of Domain-Name: Mesh2.Net, Area for Fediverse by using a software "streams" developed by Mr.Mike Macgirvin. Area of Domain-Name: www.secure-formmail.net, Area for the live-demo of WordPress plugins RainbowLink Inc. developed. This area runs with "WordPress" developed by WordPress team. Area of Domain-Name: mokulen.com, Now NonUse
- Confirm the presence of RL's NetWork → ( inetnum )
RL's PhoneLine are provided by
- Displayed Name: RainbowLink Inc. (株式会社レインボーリンク)
- In order to record your message, provide your skype-ID to RL → . RL will send RL's response as a E-mail to you.
- Non-Used Skype-IDs:
- rainbowlink_inc.
- rainbow-link_rainbowlink_inc.
- RainbowLink Inc. has created software since 2005.
- RainbowLink Inc. bought a domain, "Rainbow-Link.com", in 2008.
- RainbowLink Inc. has sold "Rainbow-Link", a Software as a Service at RainbowLink Inc.'s Own Data Center since 1st July in 2009.
- RainbowLink Inc. ( "RL" ) sells online services ( software as a service ) to promote business activities with minimizing a risk. RL's services are driven by software RL developed. And RL provides services on RL's own data center. All of the software as services does not depend on any javascript or cookie. SEE Catalogue of RainbowLink Inc. .
- RL sells the software after test-running for 5 months ( longest 3 years ) on the RealEnvironment.
- From 2010 to 2017, RainbowLink Inc. had developed and distributed and sold iOS apps and Android apps, but RL has currently not been developing or distributing or selling smartphone apps.
- Since 2016, RainbowLink Inc. has developed and distributed "WordPress" plugins. And RL has sold their paid addons. The official DEMO-SITE of the plugins: www.secure-formmail.net
- RainbowLink Inc. stop selling its SaaS, "Rainbow-Link", on Oct 31, 2018.
- Since Dec 9, 2023, RL has sold fediverse service by using software developed by "streams". RL manages streams SNS (Fediverse).
DataCenter = LAN Managed by RainbowLink Inc. ICANN-Registered-NetName: "Rainbow-Link"
IP-addresses of RainbowLink Inc.'LAN: -
IP-addresses: -
( Rainbow-Link.com )
Area of Domain-Name: Rainbow-Link.com. Operated by the software "Rainbow-Link" developed byRainbowLink Inc. .
IP-addresses: -
( Other than Rainbow-Link.com ) Area of Domain-Name: Mesh2.Net, Area for Fediverse by using a software "streams" developed by Mr.Mike Macgirvin. Area of Domain-Name: www.secure-formmail.net, Area for the live-demo of WordPress plugins RainbowLink Inc. developed. This area runs with "WordPress" developed by WordPress team. Area of Domain-Name: mokulen.com, Now NonUse
- レインボーリンク®
- Rainbow-Link ®
- RainbowLink®
- Debian & RaspberryPi OS, for RL's software as a service.
- "streams", for RL's fediverse service.
( At the office of RainbowLink Inc. in 2011 )
- Last educational background: The University of Tokyo ( Degree: diploma ) ( Area of study: law )
- Web Presences
- Linkedin ( managed by Madoka BANZAI )
- XING ( managed by Madoka BANZAI )
- facebook ( managed by RainbowLink Inc. )
- CrunchBase ( Everyone can write information )
- RL' Official SNS Account on Mesh2.Net
- If you would like to contact Madoka BANZAI, use this SSL-contact-form at RL's site .
- You can confirm the existence of the officers and the emplyees of RL by using the URL above. If you type the URL and you see the webpage of "404 File Not Found", the person who has the name is not the officer or the employee of RL. If you are invited to work together by the person who tells you the person is related with RL, please tell RL the fact.( contact RL ).
- All staffs of RL work by using the the Rainbow-Link as personal account. So, if you use the personal form of RL's staff, your message is read only by the staff.
- Rainbow-Link.com
- Mesh2.Net
- Our SNS started on 9 Dec, 2023.https://Mesh2.Net/
( This Lan-area was separated from Rainbow-Link.com's Lan. )
Webmaster Account of Mesh2Net
- Our SNS started on 9 Dec, 2023.https://Mesh2.Net/
( This Lan-area was separated from Rainbow-Link.com's Lan. )
- secure-formmail.net
- parked by sedoparking.com untill Jan 17, 2015
- parked by RL(ourselves) since Jan 17 2015
- Activate as our DEMO-site for clients since Aug 1st, 2016 at servers provided by ifastnet.com. https://www.secure-formmail.net/
- Since Jul 31, 2024, https://www.secure-formmail.net/ has been provided by RL in RL's own DataCenter ( This Lan-area was separated from Rainbow-Link.com's Lan. ) We are running a demo site for WordPress plugins we developed on our domain called www.secure-formmail.net. For www.secure-formmail.net, we used an overseas hosting service from August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2024 in order to prove that our plugins "work normally" on a "general shared hosting service". However, as the number of users is decreasing significantly, we decided to operate www.secure-formmail.net within our own data center starting August 1, 2024.
- mokulen.com
- parked by RL(ourselves) untill May 31, 2018
- parked by ifastnet.com since June 1st, 2018.
- Since Jul 31, 2024, mokulen.com has been parked by RL in RL's own DataCenter ( This Lan-area was separated from Rainbow-Link.com's Lan. )
DataCenter = LAN Managed by RainbowLink Inc. ICANN-Registered-NetName: "Rainbow-Link"
IP-addresses of RainbowLink Inc.'LAN: -
IP-addresses: -
( Rainbow-Link.com )
Area of Domain-Name: Rainbow-Link.com. Operated by the software "Rainbow-Link" developed byRainbowLink Inc. .
IP-addresses: -
( Other than Rainbow-Link.com ) Area of Domain-Name: Mesh2.Net, Area for Fediverse by using a software "streams" developed by Mr.Mike Macgirvin. Area of Domain-Name: www.secure-formmail.net, Area for the live-demo of WordPress plugins RainbowLink Inc. developed. This area runs with "WordPress" developed by WordPress team. Area of Domain-Name: mokulen.com, Now NonUse
- Raspberry Pi & its OS ( RL modified it )
- Software in the Public Interest, Inc
- Debian OS ( RL modified it )
- ヤマト運輸株式会社
- 『レインボーリンク®』においては、お客様へのご連絡口。RL は、お客様への紙類の配送については、クロネコメール便を主力配送手段とします。お客様には、集荷時点でRL より配送番号を通知いたします。
- PayPal Inc.
- to receive payments ( by credit card, debit card )
- Namecheap Inc.
- to register domains ( RL' registrar )
- WordPress.org
- to distribute plugins RL developed for WordPress.
- Github.com
- to distribute plugins RL developed for WordPress.
- SourceForge.net
- to distribute freeware, plugins RL developed for WordPress.
- crowdin
- to translate WordPress Themes/Plugins
- streams
- System for RL's fediverse service, "Mesh2Net"
- openai
- chatGPT。Requested JavaScript business support for 『最適なフリースクリプトをお探しするサービス』と『フリースクリプトインストールサービス』と『ウェブサイト作成サービス』 | 『最適なフリースクリプトをお探しするサービス』と『フリースクリプトインストールサービス』と『ウェブサイト作成サービス』において、javascriptの業務サポートを依頼。
( RL posts information to )
PR of the free software which RainbowLink Inc. made.
- CrunchBase
- RL became a verified user on Nov4, 2023
- Gravatar
- SourceForge.net
PR of the company of RainbowLink Inc.
- ランサーズ
- 求人ボックス
- Google ( RainbowLink Inc. on Google )
- for connection with customers' google search console | お客様のグーグルサーチコンソール連携用
- TrueLancers
- Selling for SEO of Websites written in Japanese Language
- YouTube [HowTo Video]
Webmaster Tools
( 24 × 7 )