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"All Post Contact Form" automatically sends everything I want to POST, so I can freely and easily edit the form page, which is very useful. I am able to copy and paste forms from other companies that I like and use them for my site, which is very helpful, but yesterday when I tried to create a validation using my own javascript, there were some things that were not being picked up. What is the problem ( what can't be picked up by "All Post Contact Form" )?

I saw your site's URL. What you cannot obtain is the field for privacy policy that says "I agree to your privacy policy".

This field includes

on the right side of name=.

If the field includes


on the right side of name=., "All Post Contact Form" will fail to obtain the right side of value=.

Let us give you specific information.

▼Your current html-form-code

<div class="formitem-consent">
<label class="formitem-consent-label" for="consent">I agree to your privacy policy</label>
<input class="formitem-consent-input" type="checkbox" id="consent" name="consent[]" value="Yes">

If you'd like to show on the Confirmation-Window, Submission-Window, and email-body like this:

I agree to your privacy policy: Yes

, please change it as follows:

▼html-form-code after change

<div class="formitem-consent">
<label class="formitem-consent-label" for="consent">I agree to your privacy policy</label>
<input class="formitem-consent-input" type="checkbox" id="consent" name="I agree to your privacy policy" value="Yes">

Then, please change the javascript to match the above html-form-code.

( , JST )

URL of this page: https://www.rainbow-link.com/FAQ.htm?&faq_id=430


RainbowLink Inc.
