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RainbowLink Inc.'s Upload Form

RainbowLink Inc.'s Upload Form

Please upload to an upload server that is on a different LAN from Rainbow-Link.com, although the upload-site is in RainbowLink Inc.'s data center.

The upload site is www.secure-formmail.net, which is a live demo site for the WordPress plugins developed by RainbowLink Inc.

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We are running a demo site for WordPress plugins we developed on our domain called www.secure-formmail.net. For www.secure-formmail.net, we used an overseas hosting service from August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2024 in order to prove that our plugins "work normally" on a "general shared hosting service". However, as the number of users is decreasing significantly, we decided to operate www.secure-formmail.net within our own data center starting August 1, 2024.

DataCenter = LAN Managed by RainbowLink Inc. ICANN-Registered-NetName: "Rainbow-Link"

IP-addresses of RainbowLink Inc.'LAN: -

IP-addresses: -
( Rainbow-Link.com )

Area of Domain-Name: Rainbow-Link.com. Operated by the software "Rainbow-Link" developed byRainbowLink Inc. .

IP-addresses: -
( Other than Rainbow-Link.com ) Area of Domain-Name: Mesh2.Net, Area for Fediverse by using a software "streams" developed by Mr.Mike Macgirvin. Area of Domain-Name: www.secure-formmail.net, Area for the live-demo of WordPress plugins RainbowLink Inc. developed. This area runs with "WordPress" developed by WordPress team. Area of Domain-Name: mokulen.com, Now NonUse

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