logo of RainbowLink Inc.

1. The Coverage of this Plivacy Policy

LAN Managed by RainbowLink Inc. ICANN-Registered-NetName: "Rainbow-Link"

IP-addresses of RainbowLink Inc.'LAN: -

IP-addresses: -
( Rainbow-Link.com )

Area of Domain-Name: Rainbow-Link.com

LAN for RainbowLink Inc. ( SaaS Service )

LAN run by software "Rainbow-Link" developed by RainbowLink Inc.

This Privacy Policy is applied.

IP-addresses: -
( Other than Rainbow-Link.com ) Area of Domain-Name: Mesh2.Net, Area for Fediverse by using a software "streams" developed by Mr.Mike Macgirvin. Area of Domain-Name: www.secure-formmail.net, Area for the live-demo of WordPress plugins RainbowLink Inc. developed. This area runs with "WordPress" developed by WordPress team. Area of Domain-Name: mokulen.com, Now NonUse

This Privacy Policy is NOT applied.

RainbowLink Inc.("RL") is committed to your satisfaction. RL takes your privacy very seriously and strive to make the RL's site experience both enjoyable and trustworthy. RL collects information about Your Personal Information to provide RL's Services only. You can see all of RL's service at "Catalogue of RainbowLink Inc.", the catalog & shopping page of RL at this site. ( → SEE Catalogue of RainbowLink Inc.). RL provides RL's services by RL's own data-center in JAPAN. RL's data-center consists of servers, routers, firewalls, back-up-servers, log-servers. RL has been built servers (platforms) for itself to provide RL's software as services by using Raspberry Pi OS and Debian of Linux. RL's online-software have been developed and made by RL from scratch, this means that software RL provides do not depend on any script anybodyelse developed. RL's data-center consists of RL's LAN only. So, when you stop to use RL's account, RL can promptly and completely remove your information without information that you inputted in "RL-Start-Steps". And software RL provides are strong against attacks that assume RL's servers have any security hole. When you tell RL "Remove my information now!" through RL's contact form, RL can remove your information promptly and completely. And RL won't sell any software / application that has User's Information to anybody.

RL owns a data center in order to provide Software as a Service that RL developed from scratch. All of RL's site runs by the "Rainbow-Link", Software as a Service that RL developed from scratch.

LAN for RainbowLink Inc.( Rainbow-Link.com )


Confirm the presence of RL's own NetWork, the RAINBOW-LINK


Check DNSSEC compliance


2. What kind of technology RL uses at RL's sites, http(s)://Anycharacter string.Rainbow-Link.com/

All of RL's site runs by the "Rainbow-Link", Software as a Service that RL developed from scratch. The "Rainbow-Link" provides pages by

  • No Cookie Required
  • No javascript Required
  • No activeX Required
  • No java Required
  • No technique run on users' machines Required

RL checks REFERER-INFORMATIONS and HOSTNAME. If you see the error page about REFERER-INFORMATIONS and HOSTNAME, you need to re-access and reload the page.

About the question: "I read your privacy policy. Why do you check referer even though referer can be spoofed?"

Yes, RL answered the following in the FAQ

We check referer to check your situation and solve your problem quickly by using your access log we got and saved in our servers. When we get a question from a customer, such as "I made an inquiry, but I can't proceed with the futher steps", we have to solve the customer's problem.

If you spoof referer, we can't trace your access history accurately, so, we expect it will take a long time until we completely resolve the issue compared to if you don't spoof referer.

Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could send us an accurate referer to reduce the time to contact us.

RL made free online tools non-checking available until September 2, 2020, but from September 3, 2020, RL shall check if you press the button in RL's official catalogue.

RL provides RL's site by SSL protocols:

Signed By Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Supported Protocols TLS1.3 & TLS1.2
Key RSA 4096 bits ( SHA256withRSA )

Check Server Security by Yourself


Example of checking Server Security at www.ssllabs.com


All page of RL's site is written in HTML5 ( HTML Standard ) * CSS3.

3. What kind of technology RL uses in downloadable software RL created

Since Dec 31, 2018, RL uses cookie ( session type ) in a WordPress Plugin "All Post Contact Form" in order to prevent double submission. At "All Post Contact Form"'s Admin-Window, users (site admin themselves) can decide whether to use cookies on their site or not.

4. Explanation of Personal Information

RL is not in the business of collecting Your Personal Information. Personal information refers to information freely given on RL's site such as name, phone number, address, email address for purchases and unique identifier information (email address and password) if you choose to create an account with RL. Please note that some "freely-given" information is required to complete transactions on RL's site. Should you choose not to give this information, you may not be able to enjoy all functions of RL's site. RL does not collect credit card information. RL uses the PayPal on RL's shopping cart system. And RL is not in the business of collecting Any Statistic Information. RL is not in the business of selling Any Information. RL sells only software RL made and the ad-services.

  • RL won't sell any software / application that has User's Information to anybody.

5. What Types of Information RL Collects

  • Your email address, as part of your RL Account registration, or if you correspond with RL directly.
  • Your Personal Information (as outlined above).
  • Transaction order information and history. You may also access this information if you are a registered RL user and login to your Account.

6. Why RL distributes some applications free of charge

  • RL's "free online tools" and "free downloadable software" are provided for the purpose of "advertising" to the level that RL wants visitors to "remember RL's name".

7. About RL's Contact Form ( inquiry form )

8. Why RL Collects This Information

RL collects information about Your Personal Information to provide RL's Services only. You can see all of RL's service at "Catalogue of RainbowLink Inc." ( → SEE Catalogue of RainbowLink Inc.).

9. Who is related with RL

RL writes names of relation companies, individulas and groups on the page of "about us" at RL's site. RL has nothing to do with individuals or companies or groups whose name are not written in the page.

10. Data Security

When you stop to use RL's service, RL promptly removes your information from RL's all servers. RL provides RL's services by RL's own data-center in JAPAN. RL's data-center consists of servers, routers, firewalls, back-up-servers, log-servers. RL has been built servers (platforms) to provide RL's software as services by Raspberry Pi OS and Debian of Linux for oneself. RL's online-software have been developed and made by RL, this means that software RL provides do not depend on any script anybodyelse developed. RL's data-center consists of RL's LAN only. All of RL's site runs by the "Rainbow-Link", Software as a Service that RL developed from scratch. So, when you stop to use RL's sevice, RL can promptly and completely remove your information without information that you inputted in "RL-Start-Steps". And software RL provides are strong against attacks that assume RL's servers have any security hole. When you tell RL "Remove my information now!" through RL's contact form, RL can remove your information promptly and completely. RL has appropriate security measures in place in RL's own data-center to protect against loss, misuse or alteration of information RL has collected from you at RL's site.

Confirm the presence of RL's servers


11. RL Account

You need to create an Account at RL's site if you would like to use RL's software as services. RL's account does not have and store your credit card information because RL uses the PayPal service to provide the credit card payment service. You may also login to see the status of your online orders and purchase history on your RL account. You can amend Your Personal Information at any time through RL's contact-form.

12. Your Consent

(1) By using RL's site you consent to RL's collection and use of Your Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy. If RL changes this Privacy Policies and procedures, RL will post those changes on this page to keep you aware of what information RL collects, how RL uses it and under what circumstances RL may disclose it.

(2) RL shall not disclose your information without your consent. If Japanese Government ( or any authorities ) says RL needs to disclose your information, RL'll tell you the fact that Japanese Government ( or any authorities ) says RL needs to disclose your information.

13.Contact RL

RL takes extensive technical, operational and service precautions to ensure your privacy. However, due to external activities beyond RL's control, RL can not guarantee 100% privacy. RL maintains an "open door" policy to all visitors to resolve any privacy issues should they arise as a result of visiting RL's site. If you feel RL is not following RL's stated privacy policy, please contact RL at:

RainbowLink Inc.
Use this SSL-CONTACT-FORM at RL's site →. ( You can send a postal-mail to RL: Get RL's Mailing Address → )

14. Applicable Law

(1) RL shall not disclose your information without your consent. If Japanese Government ( or any authorities ) says RL needs to disclose your information, RL shall tell you the fact that Japanese Government ( or any authorities ) says RL needs to disclose your information.

(2) RL has a lot of users all over the world. Since the 2nd business year, RL has more world-users than Japanese-users. Therefore, RL hopes to resolve any difference in claim occured between world-users and RL by talking not a law.

(3) If you and RL can not resolve any difference in claim by talking, you and RL need to use laws. RL assumes this case, RL writes this paragraph. Your relationship with RL under regal documents provided by RL shall be governed by the laws of JAPAN. You and RL agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the pref of Nagano in Japan to resolve any legal matter arising from agreements. The laws of Japan do not have any provision for punitive damages. The laws of Japan were made models of the laws of Germany and the laws of France.

(4) SEE legal documents

(5) And if you feel RL is not following RL's stated privacy policy, you can tell Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan.

Informations of RL that you need to tell Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan

▼ License-No

  • B-21-00371

▼ Company Name written in Japanese language

  • 株式会社レインボーリンク

15.E-Mail Policy

Email PolicySending Mails
SMTPFrom @Rainbow-Link.com via only LAN of RainbowLink Inc. (inetnum = "Rainbow-Link" )
SPFSPF NetWorkName=Rainbow-Link(IP-Addresses) -all

See Update History

DKIMselector name: selectorRL

See Update History


See Update History

DMARCSending a report to Rainbow-Link.com

See Update History

bounceNot sending bounce-mails at all

See Update History


See Update History

Email PolicyReceiving Mails
SMTP 421REJECT(Reject silently): Unknown domain, Unknow host, Helo Command Error
SPF RecordDISCARD: hardfail softfail fail neutral

See Update History

DKIMDISCARD: fail discard nxdomain none

See Update History

DMARCSending a report to Rainbow-Link.com

See Update History

MTA-STSSending a report to Rainbow-Link.com

See Update History

2009/Jul/31 -
2024/Oct/17 -

Your attachment file(s) can't go through RL' mail-servers. If you'd like to send (an) attachment file(s) to RL, please upload: (Read More).

Dear Customers/Visitors who couldn't open our upload form on secure-formmail.net: Send your referer, and click here and open the page again.